Word Press SEO – 7 Powerful Tips to Boost Your Rankings

Good SEO or Search engine optimization will boost your website rankings, and in turn, get more visitors to your website. WordPress SEO is essential and should be good as search engines love sites with fresh content, so keep your site updated, and change the content regularly. Link this to your blog or news page, and post about your products.

Search Engines Look at Expertise

Google says, to use quality content as search engines look for three things and they are:

  • expertise
  • authority
  • trustworthiness

Write about what you know and are passionate about. Others will link to your site, and they should also have strong expertise. You want to speak with authority and WordPress SEO will pick it up. Your information should be factual and trustworthy. Don’t make your content too long, short factual sentences are better.


WordPress SEO a well-optimized site will make it easier for people to find you. So first we need to be familiar with what they are looking for. So carefully research some keywords using tools like Wordstream or Google Keyword planner to find the right keywords.


Search engines will go through your links to understand the structure of your site. Link to other posts to add value to your site. Set external links to reputable sites that are trustworthy like your site and this will add credibility.


Metadata are tags in your page structure and are visible to search engines. This, in turn, gives information about your site to search engines. The meta description is the data shown below each search result and SEO plugins allow you to edit and modify the metadata. WordPress uses excerpts to create the meta description.

Site Speed

Search engines look at speed when ranking sites, so speed is important. WordPress Plugins can change your site speed. Have you optimized videos and images? There are tools to check your site’s speed and they are GT Metrix or Page Speed. Image optimization is also necessary and there are steps that you can take before uploading images.

Squoosh is good, and free when uploading and changing file format.

When you upload an image to Word Press, it is advisable to add alternative text and an image description underneath it. Search engines use this to understand what the image is about, make sure at least one image has the keyword underneath.

Site Map

Create a sitemap, search engines use a sitemap to figure out where the content on your site is located. WordPress SEO. Most plugins will generate a sitemap automatically, so it may be something that just appears. Add your contact information to your contact page or footer, and get local sites to link to your site.

WordPress SEO

Search engines use bots to creep along the website, and this is what determines the content of the website. At the same time, they check out the images and figure out the keywords. So when a search starts the search engine matches the keywords in the database.


Ask yourself if your content is relevant and shareable, or even funny. Check it out today.